Import Email Address List into Lime Survey


  1. Click token management 
  2. Click "Initialise tokens" and proceed
  3. Obtain a token file either from previous use (best) or create one:
    1. To create an individual token, click "add new token entry" then type the information to create the token.
    2. To import a list of tokens:
      1. Create tokens in a CSV file 
      2. Make sure that the headers are firstname, lastname, and email in the respective columns.  NOTE:  the headers MUST be labeled exactly like this in order to successfully import into Lime.
      3. Save the CSV file and "Import tokens from CSV File" 
  4. Click "Generate tokens" and proceed.



Article ID: 121712
Fri 12/4/20 10:18 AM
Wed 10/26/22 12:20 PM