Set Up Panopto for Remote Proctoring


  1. Navigate to chose to log in with Canvas and click "Sign In"
  2. Log in as if you were logging into Canvas, and grant Panopto access to your Canvas account.
  3. Create a sub-folder to act as a parent folder for the students folders (do not check "Inherit permissions from the parent folder")
  4. Set folder to "Specific People" and give yourself "Create" permissions and click "Save Changes"
  5. Create a sub-folder for each of the students in your course in the same manner
  6. Set this folder to "Specific People" and give yourself and the student "Create" Permissions
  7. Create the test as you normally would
  8. In the description for the test link to Students - Using Panopto for Remote Proctoring 
  9. Also include instructions for what you want them to include in the video of them taking the test 
  10. After the student takes the test review their video
  11. If you find any red flags move the video to the parent folder you created in step 3, so the student can not edit or delete it
  12. Once the class is over delete folders that you do not need to keep



Article ID: 121792
Fri 12/4/20 10:28 AM
Fri 2/5/21 1:35 PM