Turnitin Settings in Canvas


LETU has switched from Turnitin to Copyleaks. Please visit the Copyleaks wiki to learn more.

If you would like to view a video going through these settings, please view the following:


Setting up an assignment to utilize Turnitin requires two setup steps for each assignment: 1) Canvas settings and 2) Turnitin settings.

1) Set up the assignment settings within Canvas.

Edit your assignment to set it up as you would normally in Canvas, with two notable exceptions:

    1. For Submission Type, select "External Tool", then click "Find" and select Turnitin LTI. The popup box that lists the External Tools available can be tricky – you may need to resize it (from the bottom right corner) or utilize your mouse scroll wheel to scroll down. Be sure to also click "Load This Tool in a New Tab," which helps prevent certain errors for students when submitting.

    2. For the Assign section, DO set the due date, but DO NOT use Available From Date or Until Date for these assignments.  Setting either of these available boxes may prevent Turnitin from opening for your students.

    3. Finally, click Save at the bottom of the assignment.

2) Set up the assignment settings within Turnitin.

After page settings are saved, the button shown below will appear on the assignment page. Click the button to open the Turnitin tool in a new tab. (Important: This step syncs the Turnitin assignment; if it is not done, students will not be able to submit!)

From the Turnitin page that opens, click on Settings.

Click on Optional Settings.

Below is the list of Optional Settings CDT suggests changing.

Submission Settings

  • Leave this as "Standard paper repository"
    (exception: if they are submitting a paper more than once and this is NOT the last time they are submitting the paper, then you should select: “Do not store the submitted papers”)


  • We suggest Not checking the box to allow submission of any file type. This should only be used if an image is included in the text being submitted.


  • We suggest checking the box to allow late submissions. If you have a student with accommodation, this will allow a submission after the set due date.

  • Enable grammar checking using ETS® e-rater® technology. We suggest changing to the settings in the image below.

Similarity Report

  • We suggest changing this to "Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date): After 3 rebsubmissions, reports generate after 24 hours"

  • Allow students to view Similarity Reports. We suggest checking this box

Additional Settings

  • We suggest that you do save these settings for future use.


  • Don't forget to submit!



Article ID: 121810
Fri 12/4/20 10:28 AM
Sat 6/29/24 2:37 PM