Print Canvas Tests Using Respondus


1. Export a quiz from your Canvas course

  1. Click Settings from the bottom of your course's left-hand menu. 

  2. Click Export Course Content from the right-hand menu.

  3. On the export page, select Quiz. Uncheck All Quizzes, then check the quiz that you want to export. Click Create Export to begin the export process.
    NOTE: Trying to export more than one quiz at at time can often cause the export function to fail. We recommend only exporting one quiz at a time. 

  4. Stay on the page, or return later, to find the download link for the export file. Click the link to download the zip file to your computer.


1a. Tests with Randomized Test Banks

NOTE: Instructure Canvas currently does not support the export of question groups linked to questions banks in a quiz. Any quizzes with linked question banks will need to be rebuilt without the linked question banks before exporting as a QTI file. Here's a walkthrough of this process:

  1. From the Quiz page, select “New Quiz” at the top.
  2. On the Details tab, set the quiz name and (optionally) instructions. I’d recommend using a name like “Chapter # Alternate.”
    • It's also recommended to change the Assignment Group to “Ungraded Content.” You don’t want these quizzes to mess up the grade calculations.
  3. On the Questions tab, click Find Questions.
    1. Select the Question Bank from the left, then check the questions you want to use. Since banks were likely designed with more questions than the quiz needs (in order to pull randomly), be sure to only select the number of questions that you need.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Add Questions.
  4. Click Save and Publish to create the quiz. Once you've done this, you will be able to export the quiz and use Respondus to print it.

2. Import the Canvas Test in Respondus

  1. Start Respondus on your computer.
  2. Click on the drop-down menu next to Current Personality and change it to IMS QTI.
  3. Click the Import Questions button.

  4. A dialogue box appears. Follow these steps:
    1. Change file type to QTI.
    2. Next to file name, click browse, then change file type to Zipped IMS QTI package (.zip)
      • Select your downloaded Canvas export file and select Open
    3. In the Create a new document named box, enter a name for your quiz file.
    4. Click on Preview to import the questions and check for errors
    5. If it says ‘Imported Successfully’, all questions will be added to the test file. Click on Finish
  5. After you click Finish you will be taken to the Edit tab in Respondus. You can check your questions and make any edits before creating your paper copy.

3. Create a Print Copy of Your Test

  1. To get a printed version of the test and/or answer key, or to save it as a Word file, go to the Preview & Publish tab.

  2. Click on Print Options. On this page you can choose to print the exam, the exam with answer key, or the answer key only. You can also create paper copies with questions listed in random order – useful if you will be utilizing the printed exams in-class.
  3. Once you've selected the options you would like, click Save to File to save a Word version of the quiz or Send to Printer to print a copy of the quiz.



Article ID: 121841
Fri 12/4/20 10:57 AM
Sat 8/27/22 9:04 PM