Open the Teams meeting invite in your email or calendar

You have two choices:
Join Microsoft Teams Meeting: Click on this link to enter a meeting from your Teams meeting invite.
Dial-in number and conference ID: Use these if your invite includes them and you need to call into the meeting.
Note: Not all LETU Meeting organizers are licensed for dial-in options. Check with your meeting organizer if you need a dial-in and don't see one.
Choose the audio and video settings you want. We recommend using your computer's audio and video where possible.
Select Join now.
- If you are a guest or joining from a non-LETU email address, for the simplest experience we recommend joining as a guest on the web (see instructions below)
Join a Teams meeting on the web (or as a GUEST)
Don't have the Teams app? Joining from a non-LETU email address? You can still join a Teams meeting.
In your email invite, select Join Microsoft Teams Meeting.
Alternately - if you do not need video or your web browser is not working properly, you can also use a dial-in number and conference ID from the email to call in if one is included on your invite.
You have two choices:
Download the Windows app: You have the option to download the teams app - for most guests attending only one or two meetings it will make sense to use the Join on the web option below.
Join on the web instead: Join a Teams meeting on the web using your web browser. You may need to disable ad blockers.
If you select to join via web, type in your name and select Join now.
Choose the audio and video settings you want.
Depending on meeting settings, you'll go either directly into the meeting or to a lobby where attendees can admit you.
Teams attempts to only pick up your voice, so for smaller meetings you may not need to use your mute button. But when on a large group conference or if you are in a windy or noisy environment, please hover your mouse over the video grid to see the control panel below and use the mute option (highlighted) to keep your mic muted until you wish to speak. If your microphone is making too much noise, the host may mute you and you may need to check to see if you are muted and unmute yourself before your next contribution.