Maintaining Approvals by Account table



The Approvals by Account is used by the process that sends files to Concur to who is the Cost Object Approver for a GL account and up to what dollar level.

Adding a record to be sent to Concur

  1. Log in to CX10
  2. Navigate to Fiscal Management > Accounting > Table Maintenance (password is needed here) > Financial (A-B) > Approval by Account
    1. If you are unsure of the password for the Table Maintenance directory, ask your supervisor or others in your office.
  3. Click 'finish' on the screen the opens.
  4. Click 'Add'
  5. On the screen, enter the data as follows:
    1. Beginning Account Range
      1. Fund - The fund of the account that the individual has approval of
      2. Function - The function of the account that the individual has approval of
      3. Object - *This must be 1999*
      4. Project - This field can be left blank as the few project codes that are still in use are not sent to Concur
    2. Ending Account Range
      1. Fund - The fund of the account that the individual has approval of
      2. Function - The function of the account that the individual has approval of
      3. Object - *This must be 1999*
      4. Project - This field can be left blank as the few project codes that are still in use are not sent to Concur
    3. Other information
      1. Authorization ID - This is the CX ID of the approver.  If you are unsure of their ID, hit F6 while in the field and the Query screen will pop up for you to search for them by name.
      2. Alternate Auth ID - This is not used for the Concur process so it can be left blank.
      3. Dollar Amount - This is the amount up to which this authorize has access to approve.
      4. Requisition Approval - If the approver will have Requisition Approval in Concur, set to 'Y'
      5. PO Approval - If the approver will have Purchasing and Payment Approval in Concur, set to 'Y'
      6. Invoice Approval - There isn't any approval currently tied to this flag so it can be blank or set to 'Y'
      7. Active Date - Defaults to today's date
      8. Inactive Date - Leave blank
  6. Click 'adds new data'
  7. Once the records are added to CX, the corresponding records will be sent to Concur on the following morning and processed the following evening.

Inactivating a record

  1. Log in to CX10
  2. Navigate to Fiscal Management > Accounting > Table Maintenance (password is needed here) > Financial (A-B) > Approval by Account
    1. If you are unsure of the password for the Table Maintenance directory, ask your supervisor or others in your office.
  3. Click 'finish' on the screen the opens.
  4. Click 'Query'
  5. On the screen, enter any combination of the following data to locate the record(s) that need to be inactivated:
    1. Beginning Account Range
      1. Fund - The fund of the account that the individual has approval of
      2. Function - The function of the account that the individual has approval of
    2. Ending Account Range
      1. Fund - The fund of the account that the individual has approval of
      2. Function - The function of the account that the individual has approval of
    3. Other information
      1. Authorization ID - This is the CX ID of the approver.  If you are unsure of their ID, hit F6 while in the field and the Query screen will pop up for you to search for them by name.
      2. Dollar Amount - This is the amount up to which this authorize has access to approve.
      3. Active Date
  6. Once you have entered the data to try to locate the record(s), Click 'queries'.
    1. If multiple records are returned that meet your search parameters a window will pop up inside the screen with a list of the records.  Click on the one you want or the first one you want to start with.
    2. If only one record is returned, its information will display on the screen.
  7. Click 'Update'.
  8. Click in the Inactive Date field and update it to today's (or yesterday's or other relevant) date).
  9. Click 'changes data'.
  10. Once the records are updated in CX, the corresponding records will be sent to Concur on the following morning and processed the following evening.

Adding a record that should not be sent to Concur

Occasionally, the Accounting office has need to record the approval level of authorizers for certain accounts, without needing to send that information to Concur.  To do so:

  1. Log in to CX10
  2. Navigate to Fiscal Management > Accounting > Table Maintenance (password is needed here) > Financial (A-B) > Approval by Account
    1. If you are unsure of the password for the Table Maintenance directory, ask your supervisor or others in your office.
  3. Click 'finish' on the screen the opens.
  4. Click 'Add'
  5. On the screen, enter the data as follows:
    1. Beginning Account Range
      1. Fund - The fund of the account that the individual has approval of
      2. Function - The function of the account that the individual has approval of
      3. Object - Select 9999 here as a report parameter
      4. Project - This field can be left blank as there are few project codes that are still in use
    2. Ending Account Range
      1. Fund - The fund of the account that the individual has approval of
      2. Function - The function of the account that the individual has approval of
      3. Object - Select 9999 here as a report parameter
      4. Project - This field can be left blank as there are few project codes that are still in use
    3. Other information
      1. Authorization ID - This is the CX ID of the approver.  If you are unsure of their ID, hit F6 while in the field and the Query screen will pop up for you to search for them by name.
      2. Alternate Auth ID - This can be left blank.
      3. Dollar Amount - This is the amount up to which this authorize has access to approve.
      4. While these records are not sent to Concur, it is recommended to set the following records as follows in case that ever changes:
        1. Requisition Approval - If the approver will have Requisition Approval in Concur, set to 'Y'
        2. PO Approval - If the approver will have Purchasing and Payment Approval in Concur, set to 'Y'
        3. Invoice Approval - There isn't any approval currently tied to this flag so it can be blank or set to 'Y'
      5. Active Date - Defaults to today's date
      6. Inactive Date - Leave blank
  6. Click 'adds new data'.

The use of '9999' as the object code prevents the record from being sent to Concur when the daily process runs.

If, if in the future, the approval information needs to be sent to Concur, the Object fields will need to be updated to accordingly and they will be picked up in the next run of the daily process. 



Article ID: 146655
Fri 6/24/22 5:28 PM
Thu 10/27/22 5:34 PM