Limesurvey - Multi Factor Authentication


How to setup MFA on your Limesurvey account



This article will help guide you through the process of your first time account setup.

Note: We have transitioned our Limesurvey instance to be hosted in the cloud, therefore support tickets should be sent to

Important!! - You MUST setup 2FA at this step or your account will be disabled within the next few days. 2FA is required by federal regulation

Setting Up Your New LETU Limesurvey Account:

Set your initial password. You may use the suggested password if you wish by copying it and pasting it into both boxes.

It will not use the 'Random Password' unless you enter it into the boxes.

Then click ‘Save’

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

You will then be prompted to setup 2FA (2 Factor Authentication also known as MFA or Multi-Factor Authentication)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Click ‘Activate 2FA Now’

Setup 2FA

You will be prompted to get out your Authenticator app to scan the QR Code

Set ‘Two-Factor Authentication Method’ at the top to 'Google Authenticator' no matter which authenticator app you are using

Most employees at LETU will already have MS Authenticator that can work for this purpose.

Any MFA app (like MS Authenticator) should work but a good alternative is Bitwarden Authenticator which works on both iOS and Android

How to add MFA with QR Code

To add MFA using an app like MS Authenticator:

  1. Open the app
  2. Click the + sign at the top rightUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Select 'Work or School AccountUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. Scan a QR Code
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  5. Camera will open. Center the QR code in the camera frame and itUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  6. You will see 6 numbers generated on the screen for an entry named "LimeSurvey - User ID". These are the numbers needed to enter into the confirmation key boxUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  7. Click Confirm & Save -- Do not hit <Enter> --

Other MFA apps will work similar to the steps above


Next you will be logged in

This message will displayed.


This is simply the setting screen for 2FA.

Instead click on 'Surveys' at the top of the screen. 

If you are seeing this screen it means you are done.

Next Log in

Next time you login to Limesurvey Admin you will need to enter your

  1. Username (all lowercase)
  2. Password
  3. 6 Digit Code from your Authenticator app

You will not be prompted for the code

To View the Code:

  • Open MS Authenticator
  • Locate the entry, it will most likely be called something like 'LimeSurvey - User IDUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  • Tap on the entry to view the 6 codesUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  • Note the codes change with the countdown on the left. They countdown from 30 seconds



Article ID: 160398
Thu 2/15/24 11:28 AM
Mon 6/3/24 10:10 AM