Checking and Deploying the Lime Survey

Tags limesurvey
Lime has the ability to send invitations as unique links to those you are surveying. Following these steps to check your lime survey and deploy it.
As a reminder, make sure the section on research and surveys in the Faculty/Staff handbook have been completed.
  1. Click "Activate this survey" (and heed the grave warnings) 
  2. Select "Switch to closed-access mode"
  3. If not already at "Token control", click "Token management" 
  4. Click "Edit email templates" and insure they are current under each tab. Remember to click "Save" after editing all of them is finished.
  5. Click "add new token entry" 
  6. Type in a token with your own email address.
  7. Next click "Generate tokens" if needed. 
  8. Click "Display tokens" and next to your own token click "Send invitation email" and "Send invitations"
  9. Click the link in your email inbox and complete the survey.
  10. "Return to survey administration" 
  11. View "Responses and Statistics" and "Display responses" 
  12. After reviewing to insure this is what you want, delete your response from the data.
  13. Return to "Token management", "Display tokens" and delete your test token to allow correct calculation of the response rate.
  14. When completely, absolutely ready: click "Send email invitation" and "Send invitations"  (Lime may pause a bit if sending a large number of emails.  Note the LETU email limit is a few hundred per day, and exceeding that will cause all the excess to bounce back to your inbox. If you are sending more than 100, please contact IT ahead of time for help.)
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Article ID: 121691
Fri 12/4/20 9:18 AM
Tue 3/30/21 11:09 AM