Google Apps

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LETU-Provided Google Apps provides access to standard Google applications including Google Drive, Docs, Calendar, Talk/Hangout, YouTube and others using your LETU email address and password.

To Access LETU-Provided Google Apps:

  • Login to any Google page with your LETU email address as your account and using your LETU password.
  • Alternately you may visit to login.


  • LETU Google Apps does not provide Gmail access. You may use LETU Email services for access to email.
  • LETU Google Apps accounts are disabled when you leave LETU. You should download an archive of your files from Google services (including Google Drive) before finishing your coursework at LETU.
    Click here for Google instructions on downloading an archive of your Google data.


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Article ID: 121708
Fri 12/4/20 9:18 AM
Thu 3/25/21 12:48 PM