Office 365

Tags office
Office 365 includes web versions of the Microsoft Office applications as well as additional services provided by LETU and Microsoft.

To Access LETU-Provided Office 365:

To Install your personal copy of Office ProPlus on up to 5 local devices:

For information on OneDrive for Business:

For information on Microsoft Teams:

Troubleshooting for Outlook/Email and Office 365


O365 and 3rd Party Apps

Many 3rd party apps attempt to gain approval to access your O365 data. Many have good intentions while many others want to use your data for undesirable purposes. You may encounter this in a screen which asks you to gain "Admin Approval" to allow a 3rd party application to have direct access to your data.

Due to the risk in allowing 3rd party applications to access LETU users' data, we follow MS recommendations to disable 3rd party applications access to LETU O365 data (including Email, Calendar, OneDrive, etc) until those applications are carefully vetted by LETU.

LETU generally reviews O365 3rd party applications for possible approval only if they are directly related to software LETU owns which has gone through our vendor security guidelines process. For the protection of all LETU users and data, other 3rd party applications will generally not be permitted access to O365 data.

For an example of the type of risk introduced by approving 3rd party Apps without understanding in detail how they are programmed  - see this article on how doing so can eliminate the security benefits you enjoy from multifactor authentication (MFA).


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Article ID: 121724
Fri 12/4/20 9:18 AM
Fri 11/3/23 2:29 PM