Workaround for saving a Canvas exported CSV gradebook file as UTF-8 type

Tags canvas
This Excel macro is a workaround for saving a Canvas-exported CSV gradebook file as UTF-8 type, which avoids corrupting the file as would be otherwise done by the default Excel Save function.

Sub CSV_Super_Saver()


' CSV_Super_Saver Macro

' This macro is a workaround for saving a Canvas-exported CSV gradebook file as UTF-8 type,

' which avoids corrupting the file as would be otherwise done by the default Excel Save function.


' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+X <-- one of the few shortcuts not used by MS Office


' by Joel Koblich 12FEB2018

' In the public domain.  Should work fine, but if not, please feel free to contact me and I'll try to help.


' References:






' To install:

'  1) On Excel Developer tab, click Record Macro,

'  2) Name the new macro CSV_Super_Saver,

'  3) To set the Shortcut key, select that field and press Shift + X,

'  4) For the Store macro in parameter, select Personal Macro Workbook option in dropdownlist

'       (this stores it with that installation of Excel rather than any particular workbook),

'  5) Stop Recording the macro,

'  6) Press Alt+F11 to launch the VBA Script Editor,

'  7) In the left window, expand the VBAProject(PERSONAL.XLSB) folder,

'  8) Within that folder, expand the Modules folder,

'  9) Double click the Module1 object.  If that does not contain a line "Sub CSV_Super_Saver()" then look around some more.

' 10) Copy the entire contents of this instruction set in place of all text beginning immediately AFTER the "Sub CSV_Super_Saver()" text

'      and everything up to but NOT including "End Sub".  Do not overwrite any other existing Sub items that may already be in the module!

' To use:

'  1) Export file from Canvas,

'  2) Open file in Excel,

'  3) Ctrl+Shift+X to run the macro and save the file as type UTF-8, which should make it non-corrupt next time it's opened.


Dim FileNameWithPath, FileOnly, PathOnly As String


Application.DisplayAlerts = False  ' Suppress the save confirmation popup message box

FileNameWithPath = ActiveWorkbook.FullName

FileOnly = ActiveWorkbook.Name

PathOnly = Left(FileNameWithPath, Len(FileNameWithPath) - Len(FileOnly))

    ChDir PathOnly

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FileNameWithPath, FileFormat:=xlCSVUTF8, CreateBackup:=False

Application.DisplayAlerts = True    ' turn alerts back on


End Sub


Article ID: 121812
Fri 12/4/20 9:28 AM
Thu 5/6/21 12:28 PM