Alternate Resources for Videoconferencing

Video Conferencing Meeting Rooms are rooms equipped with a dedicated video conference system such as a Polycomm Group Series or Lifesize Icon Series.

In cases where these dedicated primary video conferencing systems in LETU Videoconferencing Meeting Rooms are not operational, the following options are available:

  1. If in contact with IT support, they may perform (or walk you through) a Hard Reset of the Video Conferencing System
  2. If a hard Reset is not feasible or has failed to address the problem - the following alternate method is provided to facilitate video collaboration.

Skype for Business / Conference Phone

  • Skype for Business
    • All Video Conferencing Meeting Rooms are equipped with a room computer. This computer has the Skype for Business client loaded as part of the Microsoft Office suite.
    • All Video Conferencing Meeting Rooms are also equipped with a backup Logitech Webcam to provide video for Skype for Business  users
    • To use Skype for Business:
      • Launch Skype for business from the Start Menu under Microsoft Office
      • Sign in as your account
      • You may choose to us the microphones on the webcam - but since they are usually inadequate for such large rooms, we recommend you mute your microphone in Skype for Business and use the conference room phone (below) for audio.
        (We are working on long-term plans to facilitate the use of the room-based microphones in a Skype for Business scenario)
  • Conference Phone
    • All Video Conferencing Meeting Rooms are equipped with a conference phone.
    • We recommend that this phone be used for audio when using Skype for Business as a fallback video conferencing option.
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Article ID: 121852
Fri 12/4/20 10:00 AM
Thu 1/7/21 10:29 AM