Doceri Connection issues

Tags doceri
Occasionally when someone is having issues connecting their device to Doceri, it is because of some issue stemming from Doceri listing multiple IP addresses.

This issue seems to be stemmed from there being a vEthernet port being active on the computer. It would look like this:

Currently, the best solution we have is to disable any of the active vEthernet ports from the computer.

In order to get to the network connections page, you can right click on the network icon at the bottom right of the screen near the time and then selecting "Open Network & Internet settings".

From there, if you select "Change connection properties" and then back out from that menu using the back arrow in the upper left of the window, it will take you to a page where you can open the Network Connections window by selecting "Change adapter options".

From there, you can disable any vEthernet ports by right-clicking on them and selecting "Disable". Once the vEthernet port is disabled, the monitor icons associated with the port will turn from blue to grey.

When you disable the vEthernet ports, you may also see a notification pop up from Doceri informing you that the list of IP's has changed.

Once all of the vEthernet ports have been disabled, Doceri should update the IP information and you should be able to connect devices though Doceri again.


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Article ID: 121875
Fri 12/4/20 10:02 AM
Wed 4/7/21 1:41 PM