Where can I securely store files?

Tags cloud storage

What should i store where?


  • Your personal LETU files​

  • Things only you care about and nobody else needs​


  • Private Department Library​

  • All your department files​

  • Files you use, but that somebody else might access​

  • Public Document Library​

  • Files you want to share with the campus community​

  • Files you want to share with specific campus departments


The matrix below is designed to provide guidance on where LETU employees can securely store information and files. Note that Students are included for clarity on tools typically used by students but this matrix is intended for consumption for LETU Faculty/Staff.

Note that any storage of FERPA, HIPAA or other restricted information is still subject to other guidance on those regulations - the matrix below just indicates which storage/cloud services are allowed to be possible hosts for that information. 

Please contact the IT ServiceDesk with any questions about this guide.

SERVICE  Legacy LETU File Storage   OneDrive for Business / SharePoint  Google Drive
For Employees Yes Yes No
For Students Yes  Yes  Yes 
University Agreement Yes Yes No
LETU IT Supported Yes Yes No
(vendor supported)

(with IT consult)

(with IT consult)
FERPA Yes Yes No
IRB Yes Yes No
PCI No No No
SSN/Passport Yes
(if encrypted at rest)*
(if encrypted at rest)*
Cost Free Free Free
Storage Size Limit 15 GB 1 TB 15 GB
File Size Limit 2 GB 2 GB  
External Sharing No Yes
(for files & folders)

* Encryption can be done as simply as through Office files under File→Protect or using an encrypted zip file

Not Listed?

If you have a Critical Business Process that's not listed in the above table, feel free to consult with IT or read, Guidelines and Limitations for OneDrive for Business Use, for further info. 

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Article ID: 123650
Tue 1/5/21 8:22 AM
Fri 4/5/24 8:54 AM