Created for TDX#17859338
Financial Aid begins to award financial aid packages up to one academic year in advance and so loans records can be created this early as well. They do not certify the loans until right before the academic year starts.
To meet this need, IT has created a Cognos report called "Loan Verification Report", located in the Financial Aid folder in Cognos. This allows Financial Aid to run a list of accepted but not certified loans so that they can verify and correct any data before sending it on to COD.
IT also created a CX menu option called "Batch Certify Loans" (Student Management > Financial Aid > Loan Tracking > COD> Batch Certify Loans) that will certify all of the loans from the report (change the loan_rec.stat to 'F' and the stat_date to TODAY). The parameter for this script is the financial aid year that the loans were awarded for. This script can be run as many times as the Financial Aid sees fit as it will only change the status of accepted loans that meet its criteria.
Files created:
- Menu option: /opt/carsi/menuopt/finaid/informers/lu_batchcertify
- Script that Menu option calls: /opt/carsi/modules/finaid/commands/
Menu Source modified:
- /opt/carsi/menusrc/student/finaid/loan/cod/menusrc