myLETU - Viewing Class List

  1. Log into
  2. Click on the “Faculty and Advisors” tab at the top of the page

  3. Click on 'Faculty Info' on the left side
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  4. Under Course Control will be your list of course sections for the current semester and any other course sections you have access to maintain for the current semester.  If you are looking up a class for the current semester, skip to step 7.  If you are looking for a course section in a past or future semester, continue to the next step.
  5. To change the semester, click on 'View More Options' 
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  6. After the page loads, click on the Term dropdown, select the term you are interested in, and then click 'View Courses'
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  7. Once you find the course section you are interested in, click on 'Select Area' and 'Class List'Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  8. The page will reload with the class list for this course section.  It will include all students who are Registered, as well as those who are still awaiting Advisor Approval for their schedule.  Those awaiting Advisor Approval will display with a status of  'Reserved'.  You can view their status by clicking on the '+' beside their name
  9. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)You can also export the Class List as an Excel spreadsheet by clicking on 'Export to Excel'Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)The Excel spreadsheet will also include whether the student is 'Registered' or 'Reserved' (awaiting Advisor Approval)
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Article ID: 152948
Tue 12/20/22 9:35 AM
Tue 12/20/22 9:50 AM