Limesurvey - Export and Import Surveys


If you are missing data from the old Limesurvey instance, one way to bring the data over is to do a manual export and import.

Export from Old Limesurvey

Navigate to the survey you want to export in the OLD LIMESURVEY and look for this icon.

Next you will need to hover over 'Export' and you will be exporting it as either a .lss or .lsa file

  • LSA File
    • An LSA file contains the structure of the whole survey (groups, questions, subquestions, answers, conditions) as well as any responses, timings and uploaded files in a single archive file.
  • LSS File
    • An LSS file contains the structure of the whole survey (groups, questions, subquestions, answers, conditions) without responses or uploaded files

So which do I use?

If you are only need the survey itself, then use LSS

If you need responses to the survey in addition to the survey then use LSA

Export and Save

Once you've determined which one you need. Export it and save it with a descriptive name.

Import into New Limesurvey

Navigate to the NEW LIMESURVEY instance and log in

Select 'Create Survey'

Next click on the (1) 'Import' tab, (2) Browse to the LSS or LSA file you saved, and (3) Import the survey.

Finally you should see a success page with a summary

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Article ID: 160399
Thu 2/15/24 11:08 AM