Requesting Access to Enterprise Applications


Permissions in Enterprise applications at LETU are maintained and adjusted by IT upon the approval of an appropriate campus data owner, business process owner, supervisor, department head or member of the LETU Executive team as appropriate given the nature of the application or data request made.

Approval Flow

Requests for adjustment to permissions in enterprise SIS/ERP (CX/Colleage) and associated systems begin with a request from a data owner, functional lead, supervisor or department leader for new access levels to be created or for new or existing employees to be added to existing roles.

This request is made using one of the IT Service Requests below which trigger validation of the request and authorized approvers. If you do not see a request pertaining to your application, role or persona need, please use the LETU Account Core Permissions request to make a general request and a team member will contact you for more details.

LETU Account Core Permissions
CX Permissions and Roles
Colleague UI Access Permissions
Colleague UI: Persona Modification
Colleague Financial Permissions and Roles
eBridge Permissions
Reporting Services Permissions
Student Data Tool Permissions
Cognos Web / Cognos Analytics Permissions

Upon receipt of the request, the IT team will validate the request is coming from an authorized requester as indicated on existing Database, Data owner, Persona and other Security documentation. If needed, the team will reach out to the authorized data owner or delegated authority to confirm aspects of the request.

Certain requests such as modifications to PERSONA definitions require approval from the Director of Business Systems Management in conjunction with the appropriate University Executive leadership role.


Some application level permissions (e.g. access to specific GL lines in Finance) are managed via internal business processes in functional areas. If your request involves a need like this an IT team member will redirect you to the appropriate contact and approver for the access you are requesting.