DLP Restrictions on Sharing Sensitive Data through LETU Email


If this occurs, you will receive a notice that your email has not been delivered to the intended recipient as below:

From: Postmaster <Postmaster@letu.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2020 8:00 AM
To: Smith, Jane <
Subject: Message Blocked: Credit card number

Your email message conflicts with a policy in your organization. The message wasn't delivered to all recipients. Issues:

  • Message contains the following sensitive information: Credit Card Number

Blocked Message Details
Created Date: 01/01/2020 8:00:00 AM
Sender Address:
Blocked Recipient Address:
Subject: Credit card number

Message is attached.


The workaround for this issue is to remove any sensitive information from the email or any attachments and re-send it.

As with all automated systems, this detection may occasionally produce a false positive. Such occurrences should be rare - however when they occur the email may not be able to be sent until the data that is incorrectly flagged as sensitive is identified and removed or re-worded. Please contact the information Technology Helpdesk if you are encountering a sensitive data block and cannot identify the information in the file that is triggering the block.



Article ID: 123653
Tue 1/5/21 9:22 AM
Tue 1/5/21 4:03 PM