IT Project Quick Start Guide


This article provides overview information on what you should expect when your request to IT is being managed as a project.



This article provides overview information on what you should expect when your request to IT is being managed as a project.


Most of the time, IT provides services to LETU by way of service requests. You browse to the LETU Service Desk and request a service. Services are pre-identified, short-duration tasks IT completes regularly with established processes and completion times.

However, if your request isn't handled by an existing service, or requires resources beyond a service request, that's when we'll manage your request through a project.


Show me how the project process works.

  1. You create a project request.
  2. The project request is reviewed for feasibility. The project request can be approved, rejected, or returned for revision.
    • A project manager is assigned to your project request.
    • The project manager works with you to develop a project charter, which is a detailed document describing all aspects of the project (such as the scope of work, people on your team and IT who will work together on the project, timelines, budget, and other critical planning elements).
    • The project charter is reviewed by your team and IT, and if approved, the project will proceed according to the timeline in the project charter.
  3. IT will facilitate a project kickoff meeting.
  4. IT will perform the required work on the project, providing status updates and working with you throughout.
  5. Once project work is complete, IT will conduct a project closing meeting.


What should I expect when my request is being managed as a project?

Good question. You should expect:

  • To have a funding source identified.
  • To spend some time filling out a project request form. This form requires some work on your part and helps us understand what you need us to do.
  • To have IT work with you to complete a detailed project charter form. This is a comprehensive planning document that we use to make sure you and IT are on the same page.
  • That your project will go through a review, approval, and scheduling process.
  • For IT and your team to regularly communicate as to your project's status.
  • For you and the members of your team to participate regularly with IT team members in working on and responding to communication about your project
  • To have your project proceed forward as scheduled unless:
    • the scope of the project needs to be changed
    • project work needs to be temporarily paused to allow a mission-critical project to borrow limited resources from other projects temporarily. If this is necessary you should expect timely communication about the expected timeframe for the delay.


Can you tell me more about Project priority?

The IT project system is designed to accomplish two simultaneous goals:

  1. Ensure that the highest priority, mission-critical technology projects at LETU receive priority resources.
  2. Ensure that all other approved and funded projects of similar priority level proceed forward at a predictable pace, typically in the order they are approved.

Project priority is determined using a variety of factors but is heavily influenced by staffing availability, dependency on other projects, and a project's contribution to LETU-wide benefits.

  • Enrollment & Retention
  • Financial
  • Regulatory/Compliance
  • Risk Management
  • Operational Health / Maintenance
  • Student Experience Improvement
  • Academic Experience Improvement
  • Business Process Improvement

Each project charter will identify one primary benefit and classify the project as making a Mandatory Improvement, Major Improvement or Minor Improvement in that area.


How long should I expect the project approval process to take?

The approval process is designed to flow as quickly as possible. Our project review teams meet weekly to process completed project requests, charters, change requests and priority escalations.

It is typical for standard projects to take 3-4 weeks to complete the request, charter and approval process, though projects with more complexity or research required may take longer. The more availability your team has to work with our team at this stage of the process, the faster it will typically go.


How far in advance should I submit my project request?

It is vital that you begin the project request process with IT as soon as you anticipate a technology need on the horizon.

Projects are typically scheduled first by mission-critical contribution to key LETU objectives and then in the order of approval based on availability of specific resources needed for the project.

There is more competition for some types of project resources than others. Some projects may be able to be completed within a few months of being approved, while other higher-complexity or lower-impact projects may take several semesters or longer.


Can you tell me more about project timelines?

Project timelines are designed to predict when projects can start and finish by identifying when resources are available within IT, within the requesting department, and with any external partners.

When initially approved, projects will enter a queue for work. Initial timelines may be very broad and focused on how long work is expected to take as opposed to hard deadlines (i.e. "this project is expected to require 2 months worth of work and must be completed by July 31, 2022).

As projects rise in the queue and are scheduled for work, more specific timelines for major milestones will be set by the project manager and requesting department representatives.

The purpose of the project system is to ensure projects complete their identified scope of work in a timely manner once they begin.

On occasion, it may be necessary to pause work on an active project to make way for a mission-critical LETU project. If this is necessary, you should expect prompt communication from your project manager along with estimates of the expected length of delay.


Okay, so how do I submit a project request?

Visit the IT Project Request Guide for detailed advice and instructions on submitting project requests.



Article ID: 137210
Wed 3/23/22 4:22 PM
Fri 4/1/22 10:58 AM

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