Colleague UI Training and Documentation


help and documentation for Colleague UI


(This article covers Help for the back-end Colleague UI used by specific departments for back-end tasks. For assistance with Colleague Self-Service please see:

If you have created an account with Ellucian, you have access to all of their documentation and resources available for the Colleague application.  However, access to screen-specific help content is easily accessible from the Colleague application and the ? HELP icon.  Here is a summary of the options available to you:

  • General Help - An overview of the Colleague User Interface.
  • Process Help - When you are in a Colleague Form, this button becomes available and provides information about that Form.
  • Field Help - When you are in a Form and on a field, this button becomes available and provides information about that Field.
  • List Keyboard Shortcuts - A list of keyboard shortcuts so you don't have to go between your keyboard and your mouse.
  • About - The Colleague version and build.
  • Privacy Policy - Ellucian's Privacy Policy
  • Ellucian Documentation - Access to the Ellucian Custom Support Center (requires Ellucian account).​​​​​​​
  • User Community Forums - Access to user community forums (requires Ellucian account). 
  • Ellucian Customer Center - Access to the Ellucian Custom Support Center (requires Ellucian account). 

To access any of these options, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Colleague UI application.
  2. Click on the ? HELP icon in the vertical navigation bar on the left.
  3. Select the option based on what you are looking to access.
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Article ID: 165480
Thu 1/16/25 10:58 AM
Mon 2/17/25 5:15 PM