Sharing O365 files to Canvas

Tags canvas O365
Here are the instructions to share files so student can view the files and not edit them.
  1. Navigate to where your file is in O365 and click the three dots
  2. Click "Copy Link"
  3. Click "People with existing access can use the link"
  4. Click "People in LeTourneau University with the link" and uncheck "Allow editing"
  5. Click "Copy"
  6. Navigate to Canvas and on the page where you want to insert the link, type the name of the presentation
  7. Highlight the text and click the "Link to URL" symbol
  8. Paste in the link to the box that comes up and click "Insert Link"
  9. Now if the text is blue, the file is inserted. Click "Save" to save the page.


Article ID: 121842
Fri 12/4/20 9:57 AM
Fri 2/5/21 1:23 PM