How to Submit an Assignment in Turnitin

For a full breakdown of this process please visit Turnitin's Submitting a Paper page. 

  1. Go to the assignment and click the button to open the Turnitin tool in a new tab.

  2. Click "Upload Submission"

  3. Name your submission and select a submission file from your computer. Once you have done this, click "Upload and Review"​​​​​​​
  4. Turnitin will give you a preview of your file.  If you wish to "Preview Submission" you can click that button in the bottom left corner. If it is the file you intended to upload click "Submit to Turnitin".  Your assignment is NOT submitted until you click this.
  5. Once your file is submitted, you should see this. To save your submission receipt see these instructions (How to Save a Turnitin Submission Receipt)​​​​​​​
  6. If you wish to resubmit your assignment for whatever reason, click the up arrow to the right of your percentage.
  7. You will be asked to confirm your resubmission. Once you click "Confirm" you will follow steps 3-4 above.
  8. (Your instructor will be able to view all of your submissions)
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Fri 12/4/20 9:57 AM
Thu 5/6/21 11:56 AM