CX - Generate Positive Pay and Transmittal Recap files

  1. Log in to CX10.
  2. Navigate to the Positive Pay menu option (Fiscal Management > Accounts Payable/Receiving >AP Check Writing > Positive Pay File):
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. In the menu option screen enter the beginning and ending CK journal numbers to generate the Positive Pay file for.  If just one journal number is needed, enter the same journal number in both fields.  Click 'finish':
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. The Positive Pay and Transmittal Recap files will be in the users home directory.  The naming convention is 'LetuPosPay-mmdd.txt' and 'LetuTransmitRecap-0419.txt'.
    NOTE: The files will be rewritten if the Positive Pay process is run multiple times on the same day.  If multiple Positive Pay runs are needed in a day, make sure to save off the first batch of files to another location using the next step before running the process again.
  5. To access the files follow the steps in the CX10 - Upload and Download files knowledge base article to download the files to a meaningful location.


Article ID: 155095
Thu 4/20/23 12:26 PM
Thu 4/20/23 2:52 PM