Understanding Service Request Submissions

Tags email ticket


There are currently two ways to submit service requests to the LETU IT Service Desk, both of which result in a ticket being created within our TeamDynamix Service Request system.  The first method involves submitting a service request by completing the request form for a respective request through the LETU Service Desk Portal.  The second method for submission is for users to send an email directly to servicedesk@letu.edu.

Outlined below are steps for submitting requests. as well as the expected information and steps involved in resolving any given requests.

Service Catalog Request

Attached to this article is a representation of the expected steps required for each method of request submission.  While some may prefer to use email submission for its ease of use, it is also possible that others would like to continue using the Service Catalog for its intended information collecting purpose.  Practically speaking, there are fewer steps involved in submitting a service request through the service catalog.  Because of the potential for additional information gathering for submissions via email, it is important to include as many relevant details as possible in an email request. These details include:

  • Detailed description of the the problem
  • Relevant budget numbers
  • Classroom/Office Number
  • Computer name
  • Contact phone number

In both cases, the more responsive a user can be, the quicker IT can address their specific request.


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Article ID: 157664
Tue 8/29/23 12:00 PM
Tue 8/29/23 1:26 PM