Best Practices for Hyperlinks in Internal LETU Email Communications

Best Practices for Hyperlinks in Internal LETU Email Communications:

  • Use official LETU services listed in the "Is It Legit?" KB article whenever possible
  • If you would like to begin using a service not listed above on an ongoing basis, make a request to IT to review the service to see if it can be supported as an official LETU service
  • If you need to use a service not listed above on a one-time basis (for instance because a consulting firm requires it's use), you should:
    • confirm with IT that the service is okay to use
    • communicate to the target LETU community in advance that you plan to use the tool for an upcoming data collection activity.
      (t is helpful to describe the email communication recipients should expect, who it will be from, and the address that they will have the opportunity to click.
    • You should also provide a contact name and phone number they can call to confirm all requests to click on links in email.
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Article ID: 135362
Tue 11/16/21 10:16 AM
Tue 11/16/21 10:19 AM