Terminate or Transfer-Out a wireless number


This service will be used to terminate a wireless number from the LETU account.


Wireless Number Termination

The termination of a wireless number can fall into two categories:

1. Termination: the wireless number is no longer needed and can be terminated as indicated.

2. Transfer: the wireless number will be transferred to another carrier thus being removed from the LETU account, supervisors' approval is necessary.  Note: wireless numbers for a Mifi or tablet are not transferable.

Device Return

All devices are owned by LETU and should be returned to the IT department. The following should be removed prior to the device return:

1. Device Accounts (i.e. iCloud or Google)

2. Passcodes or PINs

3. Screen Lock

If the device is deemed available for purchase, the purchase price can be requested from IT.

Service Level Agreement

Unless indicated differently in the service request, the number will be terminated within 48 hours. A wireless number transfer must be completed by the end-user within 30 days.


There are no LETU costs for the termination or transfer of a wireless number.

Regarding the wireless number transfer, LETU is not responsible for the success of a transfer nor is it responsible for any costs from a carrier to the end-user.

Request Termination/Transfer


Service ID: 47116
Fri 11/6/20 2:44 PM
Thu 1/7/21 10:22 AM