Request permissions for LetNet accounts, name changes, e-mail forwarding, public calendar changes, and other account services.

Categories (1)


Requests related to email.

Services (9)

LetNet Account Information Change

Request a change in a LetNet username, first, middle, or last name, or other account attributes.

LetNet Account Password Reset

Request a manual password reset for a LetNet account.

Multi-factor Authenticator (MFA) Reset

Request a reset of your MFA authenticator device association.

New Special LetNet Account

Request the manual creation of a LetNet account for special-use purposes.

New Student - Unable to Access Account

For new students having trouble accessing their LETU account.

Report a Network, Account, Security, or Phone Problem

Request help with select network, account and server services.

Request LetNet Account Permissions

Request the addition or removal of permissions from a LetNet account.

Request Local Admin Rights

Request ability to elevate to admin privileges on LETU computer.

Submit Profile Photo

Submit a photo to be used in your user profile in and O365.