My Recently Visited Services

Report an issue accessing or utilizing LimeSurvey, a survey tool used to gather information from specific populations.

Request a training session with an IT staff member to go over Cognos Web/Cognos Analytics report building.

Request a new shared directory on the file server

Report an issue accessing or utilizing Student Success System, an internal tool for professors to report concerns with students' grades.

Reroute reports from Carl to Kristine.

Request a resolution of a problem or a change in an online course.

Request the manual creation of a LetNet account for special-use purposes.

Request the addition or removal of permissions from a LetNet account.

Request a copy from a previous or current course to another course within Canvas.

Request a merge for two or more course secions in Canvas.

Get help with Turnitin Issues

Report an issue accessing or utilizing Reporting Services, the web-based database reporting tool.

Request help with select network, account and server services.

Use this service to get help with Panopto issues.

If you're a graduating senior, you can use this service to request forwarding for your LETU email address.

Request an extension to the end date of a course you have given a student an incomplete in.

Request a consultation session with an IT staff member for assistance with a Dynamic Forms.

Links and information on how to obtain Canvas support.

Links and information on how to obtain Canvas support for issues not addressed in specific requests below.

Report an issue accessing or utilizing CX, LETU's main student information system application installed on university computers.

Request that an individual with multiple with multiple CX IDs have their various IDs merged.

Report an issue with either an incoming student or an academic advisor failing to receive an expected acceptance email.

Report an issue accessing or utilizing Concur, a cloud-based financial procurement solution.